Getting pissed off more often each day. D:
I guess people around me, Have been tolerate me like 'omfg'
Being a girl, Is kinda normal?
So what e point of tolerating?
Just hack care, If you can't tolerate much ^^
I can't control my temper that much too.
Valentines, was great. Awesome. And i Love it ttm. hehe:D
Baby bought a rose and a fat-fat for me. WOW! Is like im so shocked?!
I didn't know that Baby was soooo super-duper sweet.
But forgive me for my attitude problem ya? Love u sooo much!
No matter what happened baby is always w me.
E only person that love me was baby.
So he can't leave me. If not i will dieeeeeeee D:
And i know You'll never blame me for my wrongs doing.
Somehow i feel like changing my job to a part-time.
Cause i don't have enough time for baby.
And probably I'm going to study.
And working as a full-time is so tiring.
But somehow full-time pay is more then a part-time.
OK, this is going to make me mad one day.
Anyway, Cny wasn't that impressive to me.
Its was like a super normal day to me.
Its was bored and blahblahblah.
I didn't go any of my relative's house to get any red packets.
Oh well seeing their face, Its get me pissed easily.
If their face was made up with gold I've no words for it. but theirs? Is worst then mud.
I would be grateful if you guys just don't bother about me or even have any things to do with it.
Cause it make me puke. Pretending to be good in-front of me yet so unreasonable behind me?
Oh, Get a life.Tyvm.
Trying to be good after knowing e truth? After know i didn't lie to anyone of you?
AH-HA!Joke of e day ya isn't it? Lmao~
Common. This is me, I wont forgive someone who accuse me easily. Get e facts rights.
Alights, I shouldn't spent time blahing out all e shit stuff out.
Cause is meaningless and stupid.
Cause is meaningless and stupid.
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